Questions on positions

He pronounced each syllable slowly, every single word meant to charm. "I didn't come to get paid. I came worried about my financial backer's safely. I heard that you were taken to be a criminal by the cat clan and almost got arrested."

Look and see how good Third Prince's acting was.

Wei Wei yawned, didn't move back, and instead moved forward to pat his head, "Don't worry, your big sister, I, am not so easy to bully. All of them were forced to return by me."

"Really?" Baili Jia Jue looked at her motions meaningly, and after that, indifferently asked, "I also heard that you stayed with Third Prince alone for a day at Spirit Forest?"

Wei Wei 'mm'd a sound and suddenly seemed as if she thought of something, grabbed his sleeve, said, "If you didn't say it, I would've forgotten. Would you believe, he unexpectedly is the one on the bottom!"

"What?" Baili Jia Jue's gaze paused.