Want to Marry Wei Wei

From beginning to end, this young girl was watching a play.

Ah, for Baili Jia Jue to become a play for her to watch.

Such a thing could only be done by a reckless 'little thing' like her.

"Your Highness." Eunuch Sun came back and when he saw Baili Jia Jue's frosty expression, he let out a hiccup and he could feel his chest thumping loudly. There was someone who didn't open their eyes and provoked his master.

Baili Jia Jue indifferently 'mm'd a sound, the silver mask's coldness drawing out people's fear. "Let her see it for herself."

"Yes." Eunuch Sun offered his cupped hands and a wood box arrived in front of Wei Wei.

When Wei Wei saw the thing within the wood box, the neck she extended became a bit stiff.

Wasn't this...the handkerchief she sold?

It couldn't be?

How could her luck be so bad that she got caught red handed?