An Appearance That Astonished People

Early morning. Capital city. The peddlers always would come out earlier than the pedestrians.

The grannies with bent lower backs carried hot and steaming soft bean curd. One bowl sold for a twentieth of a tael, cheap and delicious, making a person click their tongue.

Each day, quite a few people wanted to leave the city, that's why a position close to the city gates was always much more lively than other areas.

Wei Wei didn't dress conspicuously at all. Standing among the line of people, maybe no one would be able to recognize her.

If she didn't lift up her head, no one would take a second look at her.

She was just like people who normally wanted to leave the city. First, she sat by granny's and asked for a bowl of soft bean curd, while listening to the news all around her.

"Did you guys know, Third Prince seems to be catching a person."

"Catching a person? Who?"

"I heard that it's that Helian family's miss who lost her qi."