Absolutely With Love

Helian Wei Wei had always felt that Third Prince's physique was extremely attractive, but she didn't expect that it'd be this hot and immediately felt that if he should find an opportunity to go roam around a gay park, he'd definitely fetch a very good price!

"Saliva." The man's completely emotionless voice sounded by the side of her ear. That kind of presence. His confident sitting posture. If presented to the world, those crowds of aristocratic ladies certainly would become giddy and faint.

However, Third Prince had always liked to speak to her with a poisonous tongue. This point wasn't too desirable.

Then let him keep his poisonous tongue. In a moment, she'd charge him a bit more for the 'surgical fee'.

Thinking up to this point, the corners of Wei Wei's mouth curved into an arc as she extended her hand to fetch a needle and thread, then sterilized the needle over the oil lamp. Her movements were very professional, so agile that it dazzled people.