His Highness Not in a Good Mood

At this time, the divination competition could be considered to have concluded, the Superior Compound barely victorious.

Seventh Prince's bare head also turned towards Wei Wei and company and looked over. Compared with other people rejoicing in misfortune. That little face's expression was a bit difficult to describe. He took a bite of the meat bun and chewed, as if he thought of something, after which he got up, and used one hand to lift the wood chair that's even bigger than he was. His relaxed appearance was exactly the same as if he's eating a meat bun, no difference at all. His strength was truly scary!

The surrounding people watching this scene forcibly sucked in a breath, especially those students from the Fine Compound. One after another, they produced cold sweat on behalf of the martial qi competitor coming up in the third match, Hei Ze.

Wasn't this Seventh Prince a bit too frightening!

He's only five years old!

Was it good to be so domineering!