Helian Jiao Er Vomited Blood in Anger

"I'd like to hear your explanation." Helian Wei Wei laughed.

Helian Jiao Er's words were all swallowed down. She looked at Helian Wei Wei as if she were looking at death god coming out of hell!

"Who the hell are you? You're definitely not Helian Wei Wei!" Helian Jiao Er growled low, she was close to falling apart. If it was that woman, how could she have forced her to such a plight!

Now, not only she had lost face, but also was hated by her closest sister. The most terrible thing was that she must marry an impotent man!

That would ruin her for life!

How could she have fallen to such a level after all these years of hard work!

"Since you awakened last time, you've changed! Tell me who you are!" Helian Jiao Er grasped both her hands and looked at Helianwei with hatred and fear.

Murong Changfeng went to drag her. "Calm down, Jiao Er!"

If it went on like this, the Retired Emperor might really betroth her to Huai An!