Before The Big Wedding

Eunuch Sun was a very intuitive person, and he had guess what the two of them were up to in an instant. He had accepted money from Helian Guang Yao on many occasions, and besides, he was the relative of the princess consort, so he gave him some advice: "Sir, I am not trying to be nosey, but this is your blood relation after all, you can't be too partial. If you're not careful, disaster will befall from heaven."

"Eunuch Sun's words are wise, Eunuch Sun's words are wise." Helian Guang Yao held a smile, but his within his heart was already billowing in waves.

After Eunuch Sun had left.

Helian Guang Yao sat down heavily onto the wooden chair. Su Yan Mo shoved the servant girl out of the way viciously: "Master, our Jiao Er cannot marry into the the Huai family."

"Just because you say no means no? It is the imperial edict of the Emperor!" Helian Guang Yao roared, then sighed deeply: "Forget it. With the way things are now, we can only bring her home."