The Silver Mask Is Gone

Helian Wei Wei looked back at him, he had sat down at his original position.

Baili Jia Jue reached for two wine cups. He filled them them up and passed a wine glass to her.

Helian Wei Wei took the wine cup from his hand and stood up free and easy: "To our cooperation."

Cooperation? Baili Jia Jue found that he did not like such alienated words. He did not drink from the wine cup in his hand, and only said calmly: "This wine cup is used for wedding wine."

Do they exchange the wedding wine between them?

Helian Wei Wei blinked in confusion.

Baili Jia Jue's tone was cool: "Don't forget, there are people outside."

This time, Helian Wei Wei understood his meaning, fake lovingness.

Helian Wei Wei smiled and poured herself a cup of wedding wine, her porcelain arm exposed from her wedding dress as she reached over.