A Fatal Temptation

Helian Wei Wei's face was flushed red from the alcohol, and her breathing was hot. She furrowed her brows slightly, intelligible mumbling falling from her mouth. Her youthful body glowed under the moonlight, as if a forbidden spell had befallen it.

The unprecedented tension made Baili Jia Jue's eyes darken with desire. "Whose name did you call just now?"

"Tang…" Helian Wei Wei's eyelashes fluttered as she breathed out the word weakly.

Although that was all she said, Baili Jia Jue knew exactly who she was referring to.

The next moment, he grabbed Helian Wei Wei's chin as his lips fell upon hers. He was forceful, probing her lips open and filling her mouth with the anger on his tongue.


Helian Wei Wei's muffled sounds were a fatal temptation to Baili Jia Jue.

He deepened the kiss, like he was pronouncing his possessiveness over her.