His Highness

Helian Wei Wei agreed and allowed Chen Yifeng to settle the rest of the matter.

At first, Qing Zhan wanted to assist Chen Yifeng, but the moment she took a step forward, somebody grabbed her arm. 

Without giving her the chance to escape, Nangong Lie dragged her over and strode toward the door.

"Hey, you!" Chen Yifeng intended to hold him back initially. 

Nangong Lie threw him a cold glance, "It's none of your business, get lost!"

The Genius Worshipper had his temper as well.

Being the heir of the Worshipper for the entire War Dragon Empire, once Nangong Lie tore his recklessness apart, buried deep underneath it would be nothing but unbearable coldness!

Chen Yifeng heard about Nangong Lie as he and their boss Helian Wei Wei used to be in the same team before. Both were from the Inferior Compound as well. From the surface, their relationship seemed to be pretty good. 

Today… To be honest, Chen Yifeng was a bit confused!