His Highness' Thoughts

Helian Wei Wei naturally knew what Yun Biluo had in mind.

She wanted Baili Jia Jue to stand up for her.

Helian Wei Wei smiled gently. She had decided that she would retaliate against anyone who would vouch for these people, even Baili Jia Jue.

Helian Wei Wei held her head up after some contemplation but was greeted by Baili Jia Jue's emotionless gaze.

Her heart tightened up a little bit but she continued smiling.

One should never flinch, especially in times like this.

Helian Wei Wei did a good deed when she was very young. She accidentally found a phone, so she went to return it. However, she was mislabelled as a thief and locked up in the station in Chinese Street.

She was discharged afterward but the mistress her father married would not let go of this incident.

She would bring this up from time to time to insult her, accusing her of stealing things.

At that time, Helian Wei Wei endured all of it.