His Highness' Cherishment Of Wei Wei

"Y-Your Highness, I..." Bai Mei tried to explain herself.

Baili Jia Jue stared at her coldly. "Why are you so nervous? Isn't that your precious sister?"

Bai Mei was trembling uncontrollably. As an assassin, she did not fear death, but she was terrified of Baili Jiajue. She regretted all of her decisions and her recklessness that led to her taking matters into her own hands.

"I had overestimated your intellect," Baili Jia Jue's lips curled up as he looked at her. However, his smile never reached his eyes. "She is my prey, yet I couldn't bear to harm even a single hair on her head. Now look at you guys - aren't you helpful indeed, filling her mind with ideas on how to leave me."

Bai Mei almost stopped breathing when she heard this sentence. She tried to explain, "I-I thought Sister Yun was the one whom you-"
