Wei Wei Told Off The Scumbag

Helian Wei Wei turned back with ridicule in her eyes. "The things I couldn't take were your bullshit and your ingratitude. Save it, Murong Changfeng. Instead of appearing in front of me, why don't you use the time to think of how you're going to climb up the ladder? Wasn't that the reason you kicked me aside in the first place last time? In your heart, marriage was but a stepping stone to your career."

Murong Changfeng's entire facial expression had changed upon hearing Helian Wei Wei's words. His knuckles cracked with the clenching of his fists. Subsequently, he sneered, "So the Third Prince didn't marry anyone to climb his way up? With your looks, how long do you think he'll allow you to stay by his side? This idea probably crossed your mind when you first married him right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have let Heize prepare some kind of escape route for you."