Who Was Actually The Prettiest

"Who else?" Eunuch Sun let out a sigh again with a deeply troubled expression on his face...

With the osmanthus cake in Helian Wei Wei's mouth, she extended her left arm and pointed at her nose with her index finger, proclaiming, "Me."

"You? Pfft!" Helian Wei Wei managed to send Eunuch Sun into fits of laughter. He coughed twice and said, "Princess consort, you are pulling my leg again."

Seeing that he did not believe her, Helian Wei Wei merely smiled and did not say much. As she sat on the royal bed made from pure gold with the box of cakes in her arms, she slowly ate each of them according to their shapes. When she finally feasted on the apricot flower cake, she left a few of them as they tasted quite nice, hoping to let Baili Jia Jue have some when he was hungry later.

Eunuch Sun could not comprehend what she was thinking and pondered quietly, worrying about her future in the many years to come.