The Prince With No Respect

"Good!" The Fifth Prince exclaimed, unable to contain his excitement from showing on his handsome and youthful face. 

Yun Biluo laughed along as well and said gently, "There are no secrets that cannot be unearthed in this world after all. A woman's heart is unfathomable. There is no need for us to stir up trouble behind His Highness' back anymore. Let's just wait for Helian Wei Wei to raise a ruckus... "

"Miss Yun is right." The Fifth Prince sneered and continued, "If it wasn't for her, my mother wouldn't be banished to the Cold Palace. She is merely an orphan without the support of an influential family. Yet, she dares to behave like a tyrant in the palace even after committing evil deeds? Haha, this is amusing! No matter how much the Imperial Grandfather pampers her or Baili Jia Jue, the Emperor will still stand on my side…"

However, this was not the only thing that the Fifth Prince held a grudge on.