Bring Out The Big Guns

"Suing Lord Wei? Suing Lord Wei for what?"

The commoners exchanged glances with each other as they were unable to get hold of the situation at the moment. 

However, they were worried and concerned inevitably about it.

Obviously, Master Liao, who is wearing silk woven clothes has more power than Yan Dazhao.

Will Lord Wei get into trouble for going against him?

Liu Yin looked anxiously toward Helian Wei Wei.

There was a hint of sarcasm on Helian Wei Wei's side face. "You want to sue me?"

"That's right!" Master Liao squinted his eyes and said, "Not only did you not compensate and apologize to me when you ran into me, but you injured my guards as you pleased and locked them up. You are not worthy of the position as an official with such an abuse of power!"

Chen Liang's face turned black with rage when he heard that.

He knew better than anyone else what had happened at that time!