So Odd, Why Didn’t I See Third Brother?

Helian Wei Wei knew Liao Qingtian would not send assassins to ambush the alley without a good reason.

There must have been something, or someone, that he wished to get rid of quickly.

She subdued the group of people and turned to ask Heize, "Second brother, what were they up to in here just now?"

"I think… they're here for that old lady," Heize paused, pointing toward the blind elder, before continuing, "They've always wanting to kill her."

Helian Wei Wei's gaze followed his finger to see an elder leaning beneath the gateway, her white hair was disheveled and her expression was bitter, it was unbearable for one to look at.

"Liao again! It's him again! Oh, all redeeming Guanyin, if there's truly a divine intervention, help this old lady, for Liao Qingtian to suffer the punishment he deserves, I'm willing to do anything, with all my heart!"