What Did Helian Wei Wei Want To Do?

Helian Wei Wei had met two of the people in line at the Bayview Seafood Restaurant when she first arrived at the provincial capital. 

Helian Wei Wei summoned them separately into the inner yamen and asked Da Xiong to prepare some tea for them.

Little Seven sat beside Helian Wei Wei, staring fixedly at the crabs that the two people were holding.

Those two were quite sensible too. Seeing that Little Seven was just a child, they untied one of the crabs and handed it to him, despite not knowing his identity.

They originally wanted to let him play with it.

After all, the crab was still alive.

Little Seven politely accepted the crab and thanked them. Then, to their great surprise, he immediately opened his mouth and gave it a huge bite!

"It's still alive!" Those two people were greatly stunned by seeing it. Then, they hurriedly shouted, "Don't eat it!"