Stirring Up A Storm

Helian Wei Wei turned around to look at aunty, "Aunty, how much do you think the lobster that I just cooked would cost?"

"One lobster should be about five silver?" After the aunty voiced out, she got frightened and her voice weakened.

Helian Wei Wei smiled lightly and said, "You all are experienced fishermen who would go out to the sea constantly. So, you must be more familiar with the seafood price in the provincial capital than me, who came from the Capital. I won't hide things from all of you. In the future, every dish from Bayview Seafood Restaurant will be 1.3 times more expensive than the costs."

"1.3 times, that's 12 to 13 silver." The aunty did the math. Although it was still pricey, as compared to the sky-high prices back in the old Bayview Seafood Restaurant, this was too little! 

Back in the days, a saltwater fish of this size would definitely cost them more than a hundred silver!