Cannot Be Trapped In The Magical Realm

Helian Wei Wei could not help but approach him and give him a kiss.

Baili Jia Jue paused for a moment and let out a wry smile, "You seem as if you really like me."

"I told you that you have grown on me." Helian Wei Wei fondled her stomach and said with a laugh, "Can we talk about this later? I have not eaten anything since yesterday, my stomach is not feeling well right now."

Baili Jia Jue's smile on his lips disappeared, "You have not eaten anything since yesterday?"

"Yeah, I was locked in a cage, remember?" He couldn't have forgotten that in such a short moment, could he?

Baili Jia Jue fluttered his eyes, saying nothing else. He bent over to carry her up and covered her with his fur cloak. He also asked the servants to steam a dozen meat buns for her.

Helian Wei Wei looked at the steamed meat buns as the corners of her mouth jerked. He was treating her like the Sky-swallowing Beast again. With that amount of food, is he feeding a pig?