Could You Please Don’t Go

Helian Wei Wei stared at him and said, "You killed him, didn't you?"

The little boy looked at Helian Wei Wei for a second and covered up his injured left eye. He laughed and taunted subtly, "What if it was me? So what? You think that I'm not the cute, naive Little Prince who was always bullied by others anymore, but an evil monster, right? So, are you afraid of me now?"

Helian Wei Wei looked at his little hand that was tightly grasping the towel and gave out a long sigh, "I'm just simply asking, I didn't think that much into it. Furthermore, I have never felt that you are naive either."'Naive' totally did not match him at all, he should have known how deceitful himself was when he looked in the mirror every day. 

The little boy had never thought that he would get such a reply and was stunned for a moment. He started to mumble as he felt the warmth from her hands, "Are you really not afraid of me?"