You Belong To Me Completely

Helian Wei Wei straightened up before she cleared her throat and said, "Can you stop peeking into my mind? I'm distressed."

Upon hearing it, Baili Jiajie glanced at her.

Thinking that her protest was effective, Helian Wei Wei proudly sat upright. 

However, Baili Jia Jue's did not react according to her expectations. He began to study her with his eyes. Despite the distance, Helian Wei Wei felt as though he was speaking by her ear. She could clearly hear his magnetic yet warm voice. "I've kissed every single part of your body. You belong to me completely, and your mind is no exception."

Helian Wei Wei knew that he was talking about how he tortured her at the hotspring last night. She could not catch her breath, intending to leave the place as soon as possible. Unfortunately, she felt chills down her spine. Therefore, she had no choice but to beg Baili Jia Jue for mercy.