Meeting The Secretary Of State For The Ministry Of Official Personnel Affairs, The Third Slap In The Face

"Yes!" A few guards came forward and surrounded them once more.

Helian Wei Wei curved her lips mockingly as she tilted her head toward His Highness' face. Chills emanated from the mysterious glimmer in his long, narrow eyes.

They locked eyes with one another for a split second before they proceeded to allow the guards to escort them away without resistance. Moreover, they were simply following along with casual strides.

Before coming here, Helian Wei Wei already went to greet the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs. It was so that he would keep an eye on his subordinates and investigate the case himself.

Now that this Lord Zhang was insistent on taking them away, it was obvious that he wanted to bring them before the Secretary of State for the Ministry of Official Personnel Affairs and close the case quickly in order to protect his own son.

Heh, such a dimwit.