Get Humiliated For Ridiculing His Highness

The competition rules had, in fact, stated that foreign exorcists could choose to join other teams after reaching the tomb's entrance based on the performance of each faction.

However, the exorcists would not switch teams under normal circumstances. One reason was that these factions would have already discussed suitable remuneration before scouting these people from outside. Secondly, switching teams might cause internal disputes between the exorcists. After all, they would only have a real chance of making it to the end of the road if they followed after the Ni family.

Therefore, this particular rule had never really been taken seriously by the people.

Yet now, Young Master Xiao had unexpectedly given out an invitation even before a glimpse of the tomb could be seen!

All the exorcists turned to look at Helian Wei Wei, their eyes filled with an immense surprise!