Imitating As The Phoenix Girl

The woman claimed that if they wished to overcome the crisis this time, each clan must offer their blood, no more or less, filling it up to one bottle and leave it outside their doors at midnight.

The old man was still a teenager back then. Although he began his career as an official at a young age and was not an expert in Taoist art, he still roughly knew the way to deal with it.

He had heard of people using dog's blood and Chinese talisman during the exorcism, but when did they ever use human blood to do so?

Yet, the old man still called out to the villagers to do so based on the instructions of the woman. After all, beggars can't be choosers!

Out of expectation, no one in the village had ever dreamed again since then and no one else died for no reason. The only thing that happened was that the bottle of blood left outside their doors were taken away by someone.