Looking For Trouble

At this point, upon hearing the old man's remark, the exorcists started to discuss among themselves. "This person from the family of Zhuge Yun is fantastic. I thought they were merely lucky to be the first to arrive at the place. Their capability is definitely on par with the Ni family from the looks of it now, how astonishing!"

"Of course, even Old Li acknowledges them!" The exorcists' increased the volume of their voice. 

Ni Hu was displeased upon hearing their conversations. Thinking of the way he was made fun of just a moment ago and looking at how everyone was treating Zhuge Yun and others like heroes, an intense feeling of discontent engulfed his brain! 

"All he did was just opening the tomb door, what's so great about it." Ni Hu took a step forward along with his servants by the side while saying so. "Any disciples from the Ni family would be able to do so anyway."