To See In A New Light

"What? Going around in circles?! Why didn't you say so earlier?!" the other exorcists shouted.

That exorcist spoke in a hoarse voice, "I have also just realized this. Keep your voice down. Take out your Chinese talisman, then spin yourself three times at your place before walking forward."

Going around in circles was not something difficult to solve.

However, it was frightening because they would be left forever in the place if they could not break through this obstacle. They would remain in the same place walking round and round for years.

Luckily, they were exorcists who knew how to face this kind of problem.

Everyone quickly opened their bags and prepared to cast their spells.

Then, they suddenly realized that the Chinese talismans in their bags were all gone!

"How can this be? Where are my Chinese talismans?"

"Mine is gone too!"

"Search again!"

"I still can't find any!"