To Get Her

"Ah, Lord Phoenix." Another immortal gave himself a knock on the head before replying respectfully, "Lord Phoenix went back to Buddhism as she said she has to water the plant. She'll be back at night."

The man narrowed his eyes, "Water the plant? For the Bodhi?"

"Yes." The fairy nodded.

At that moment, the demons that were following the man could clearly feel the coldness emitted from the back of the man.

No one dared to move, or even to make any sound.

Until the man spoke again with a cold tone, "I see, you all may leave."

"Yes." The two immortals felt relieved. They looked at each other, held their hands and continued their task as bell boys.

Yet at this moment, as the man clenched his fist, thin gray fog soon covered the sky above Tian Dao.

The man took a step forward, the words of Yue Lao then echoed in his ears.

"Phoenix doesn't like you, Emperor. It would be pointless for Emperor to tie a Red String on her hand."