Phoenix Wanted To Break Up

"Yeah! Emperor, don't you know that Lord Phoenix did a good job this time by cleansing the Sea of Blood?" The immortal was in awe, "I heard that there will be no evil spirits in the Sea of Blood within these 500 years. Now, this is considered the real alleviation of the world's sufferings."

The man's eyes narrowed even further. "She cleansed the Sea of Blood?"

He had been to the Four Evil Paths before, not to mention that he was born during the realm of chaos. Therefore, he was very familiar with the Sea of Blood. 

Cleansing the Sea of Blood was not as easy as anybody would think.

The True Buddha was the only exception where he used his own body to cleanse the evil spirits back then.

He swore an oath, "As long as the Sea of Blood is not cleansed, I shall not become a Buddha." It was then he finally redeemed the evil spirits.

Beyond that, no one managed to truly cleanse the Sea of Blood, be it Tian Dao or Buddhism.