Two Babies

Helian Wei Wei looked up, fatigue in her voice, "It's not entirely because of the baby. My condition hasn't been good recently and isn't suitable to accept missions."

L, the youngster looked at her and sat back in his seat. He spoke lightly, "I'm not leaving. I'll stay."

"I'll stay too. Nothing's wrong with not accepting missions." Old A was so bulky that his laughter was a bit deafening, "What's more, we can raise the baby during this period of time. Boss, what plans do you have next?"

Helian Wei Wei knew that her buddies did not want her to stay alone. Although they were shaggy men, sometimes they could make her feel heartwarming. "I want to open a garage and repair cars, settle down for two years and wait till the baby can walk." In fact, she wanted to know if there were any possible ways to go back. 

"Okay, let's open a garage then." Excited, the man in a suit wanted to hold the baby who was in Helian Wei Wei's arms.