The Chocolate Cake

After Baili Shangxie heard Little Fatty Cheng's words, he lifted up his crimson eyes, but he did nothing else. 

His action caused Little Fatty Cheng to purse his lips. Under normal circumstances, when a person learned about someone else's poor family background, shouldn't he join me and sneer at that person together?

"Shangxie, we've discussed it with each other and decided to join forces with you. We will show that little country bumpkin our true strength." Little Fatty Cheng continued instigating the little rich kid relentlessly. Then, he threw Little Qingchen a glance of disdain.

Baili Shangxie snickered. He did not look like a three-year-old at all. Instead, he looked like a tiny gangster. "Have I ever stated my will to join forces with you? Get lost."

"You, you, you!" Throughout his life, Little Fatty Cheng had always been the little leader among the kids. No one had ever dared speak to him in this disrespectful tone.