The Plane That Landed On The Train

Helian Wei Wei reached out and dragged the two little ones to her side.

Such a skin-crawling phenomenon sparked an astonishment in the eyes of those wealthy merchants.

The power of the unknown is simply bewildering.

Miraculous, simply miraculous!

No wonder Sixth Brother has cornered the market all these years. It turns out that the public's discussion is true. With a master that can control everything in his palms, he need not worry about not making a lot of money!

The wealthy merchants exchanged glances and gestured a thumbs-up at Sixth Brother.

Sixth Brother puffed on a cigar in amusement and said arrogantly, "Wait for it. Soon enough this rookie will know what regret feels like. She's just an ordinary police officer with some knowledge of Taoist art. And yet, she dares to fight me? She must be asking for death!"

At that moment, Sixth Brother solemnly envisioned the death of Helian Wei Wei and her boys!