A Tight Slap In The Face

Liu Hongjiang did not understand what Helian Wei Wei meant between the lines initially. 

He felt that there was no logic nor reason in her words. 

He walked out of the interrogation room and decided to use other methods to interrogate the next person, Baili Jia Jue.

However, his personal cell phone rang before he managed to open the door of the interrogation room. 

On the other end of the call was his wife, her voice was dull and raspy, "Oh, what am I going to do, Old Liu? Our Hengheng is missing!" 

"Missing? How could that happen?" Liu Hongjiang tilted his head. "Did you search for him in the garden? Perhaps he went to play in the mud?" 

"I have looked everywhere but to no avail. All the neighbors said they did not see him around. How can he just disappear after I wake up from my nap?" 

Liu Hongjiang felt his stomach churn and his heart plummet. "Calm down. How long has it been since he went missing?"