The analysis posts on Zhihu were unlike those on Weibo which were only for emotional venting purposes.

They would contain a thorough inspection to capture the attention of the relevant authorities.

Especially for original videos like this. After all, there was never a shortage of people with proper qualifications on Zhihu.

Liu Hongjiang clicked into the post with his trembling finger and noticed that a user registered as Tang Men sorted out all the relative issues and posed a few relatable questions within 10 minutes.

Yes, questions.

He did not say anything in an affirmative manner but issued six questions in a row.

The title of the post was "Six Questions for the Liu Guy".

"First. Why are you protecting the human traffickers?"

"Second. As the Chief Secretary, how did so many children get past the train station? Did the ticket inspectors not wonder why there were so many children boarding the train at the same time?"