I Love You This Much

Deep in the misty air of the night, on a soft and massive bed, a lively and sensual scene was unfolding behind the half-opened canopy...

Whenever Helian Wei Wei wanted to straighten herself and get up, she was pushed back in position by Baili Jia Jue again.

The second time was not as rough as the first. Instead, Baili Jia Jue moved gradually and gently while maintaining the same position.

Due to this, Helian Wei Wei could feel his movement inside her more than ever.

"Do you like it?"

He seemed to ask the same question every time he moved. With his warm breath right behind her ear, she could not manage to answer at all, and all she could do was to bite on her thin lips. Her cheeks were burning red, her waist-length hair dampened by the hot air around them. With the contrast of her dark hair spread around her smooth and fair back, she looked exquisite and alluring.