Violence Brought About By Time And Space

Though Helian Wei Wei was oblivious to what he was thinking, she could tell that the man was very distracted.

She wondered for a moment, before setting down her glass of wine. Then, she gazed at Baili Jia Jue and said, "Hey, come closer. I have something to tell you."

Both of them were not sitting too far apart from each other, so Baili Jia Jue did not even bother to move. He grinned maliciously like a demon and merely tilted his head toward her, asking, "What is it?"

No words fell from her lips but they delivered a kiss instead.

The kiss landed ever so softly on his cheek.

Baili Jia Jue's irises quivered in surprise. Then, he slowly tilted his head so that he faced Helian Wei Wei completely. The viciousness in his eyes had dissipated, but his tone remained icy-cold as he muttered, "You asked for this."

Instantly, he made his next move without waiting for Helian Wei Wei to react. In the next second, the man had hoisted her into his arms.