His Highness Woke Up

Zha Xi prepared what was required meticulously. What this client wanted the most was meat and wine, some durable fruits and a large bucket of clean water. After putting everything on a wooden raft and tying it on the Tibetan Mastiff, they were good to go.

There was just one box with contents that were unknown to Zha Xi. When he pushed Helian Wei Wei aside, he asked her once again in broken Mandarin, "This was sent by Young Master Tang and has just arrived at the tent. Do you want to bring it with you?"

"Yes. I really need it. Thanks, Zha Xi." Helian Wei Wei was still responsible for tying things up on the Tibetan Mastiff. No matter how brave Zha Xi was, he was still subconsciously terrified of the demon dog.

After everything was ready, Helian Wei Wei clutched the metal chain tightly and strolled into the vast Hoh Xil.