His Highness in Military Uniform

In reality, the courtyard they were in wasn't big, because it was a house with a house. They could only go inside after they got through this one.

Right in front of them was a room with the word 'pawnshop' written on it.

There wasn't a single person in the room. But once they walked into the next room, a voice started speaking again.

"I know what everyone wants to pawn. Everyone's contracts have already been prepared and placed on the table. Please sign the contract and come to the counter to exchange it. You will know everything you want to know."

Helian Weiwei looked at the copper coins scattered on the wooden table. There was indeed a contract on the table. The item they were supposed to pawn as per the contract were their very lives!

Helian Weiwei, Jing Zifeng, Wu Fan, Li Ya, Zhang Qichao.

Except for a certain highness, everyone's name was written on the contract without any mistake.