Little Ajiu Gets Injured

Little Ajiu was still buried in her pancakes hungrily. When she heard the scream, she immediately looked behind her!

On the road where cars were coming and going, a child had run to the middle of the road to chase after his balloon. On the left of the child, a road cleaning vehicle did not have time to step on his brakes.

The driver's expression could even be seen through the car window. He was still stepping on the brakes desperately.

The most dangerous thing was that there was a Mercedes-Benz sports car on the child's right side!

Everyone thought that there was no hope for the child.

Even if the cleaning vehicle could stop in time, the Mercedes-Benz would not be able to. Unless the two cars collided heavily, the child would not be able to escape this disaster!

The one who had screamed was the child's mother. She seemed to be in despair and wanted to run to the middle of the road to save her child.