Bring Breakfast to Her Brother (1)

After walking into the room, Ajiu bent down and took out all the gifts she had bought for Bai Zhun.

After she finished counting them, she put them back where they were.

She didn't know why, but even though she had clearly grown up, at this moment, she really missed her mother and brothers.

Ajiu opened the scriptures. After reading a paragraph, she stared blankly at her phone for a while.

On the screen was the scene of her second brother hugging her and meowing like a cat.

Ajiu looked at it and laughed. Her actions were very cute as she kissed the phone. Then, she whispered, "Second brother, see you tomorrow."

It was probably because she was too tired from playing with Helian Qingchen today. She went shopping, bought things, took photos, and so on.

Ajiu had not gone to the bathroom to wash up. She just lay on the desk and fell asleep.