The New Recruit (2)

The previous batch wasn't like this.

They had single-handedly destroyed the whole troop with a single man-made smoke bomb.

That was why he had boasted in front of the captain that it would be enough for the two of them to come this time around and show off to these new recruits.

He hadn't expected that the sneak attack would fail and that he would actually be threatened with a gun.

In fact, the five of them were quite easy to deal with.

Except for the one in front of him..

Thinking of this, the cannoneer narrowed his eyes and said to the youth, "Since you know that we are veterans, why don't you put away your gun quickly? I'm afraid that you will misfire!"

Hearing this, the youth's thin lips curled up. That smile more or less looked like the beginning of winter snow, so handsome that it was somewhat unreasonable.

He turned his head and exerted force on the gun. Then, everyone saw that there was not a single bullet in the clip.