Master Bai Goes to University A to Conduct Military Training

That year, after Ajiu was picked up by her family, she went to England.

After that, Weiwei brought her to many countries, so there was no need to worry about her education.

With a genius like Helian Qingchen around, Ajiu studied by herself for half a year and mastered the entire high school syllabus.

The place where the family went to the most was India.

Ajiu liked to study Buddhism, so Baili Shangxie and the others often brought their younger sister there.

When the Indian monks there saw their family, they began to chant scriptures like their lives depended on it.

They mainly chanted to a certain highness. It was a pity that no matter how powerful an eminent monk was, he would be suppressed to the point of being unable to move in front of a certain highness.

Chanting those scriptures was also useless.

But after being around her two older brothers and her father, Ajiu had also learnt how to be mean and nasty when necessary.