Handsome Ajiu 2

Bai Zhun took the military cap beside him and stood up as well. He only asked the few people behind him to leave together.

The soldiers no longer felt sad about what they had heard. The shooting competition was about to begin, so what else could they be worried about? All of them wore military caps and left.

As the assembly horn sounded, every class queued up at their highest speed.

The students were all wearing camouflage uniforms. No matter if they were boys or girls, they all looked as tough as they should be.

Ajiu was also standing in the middle of the team. Her waist-length black hair was tied into a ponytail by her, and there was no gravity buckle on her wrist. Instead, she was wearing a black wrist guard, which made her indescribably handsome!

"Everyone should have heard that we have a competition today." Bai Zhun faced the square team of his class and stood tall. "A shooting competition."