Bai Zhun's Girl

All the students in the school watched this scene were shocked.

Not only the girls, even the boys could not resist the aura that Bai Zhun exuded at that moment.

Vice Commander Zhang was a soldier, but he was as timid as a mouse. He had never been pointed at the head with a gun. Now, facing the black muzzle of the gun, his face changed.

He was afraid that Bai Zhun would really shoot. His legs started to tremble and he was so scared that he almost knelt on the ground.

With such a pathetic appearance, no one needed to say more. The students already had a decision in their hearts.

Just like what Instructor Bai had said, Vice Commander Zhang was not worthy of being a soldier!

When the army saw him like that, they also felt embarrassed.

Especially the few soldiers who were standing tall and straight. They turned their heads away and did not want to look at him.

Liu Zitong's original plan was instantly destroyed. Her head was buzzing.