Sweet Love

"That won't do!" Ajiu said with a serious face. "It's hard enough for you to guard the border. As your wife, I can't hold you back. What if I take other people's things and they blame you? Your image can't be tarnished like this!"

Bai Zhun was stunned. He had never expected this answer, for he thought that she just wanted to buy him a ring.

It was hard to describe that feeling.

He had held the gun to protect others for too long, and he had forgotten what it felt like to be protected.

His Ajiu had never changed.

Following chuckle, Bai Zhun said, "I really don't want to get too close to them."

"Yeah, I can see that." Her eyes were wide. She looked dazed, but she was actually very smart.

Bai Zhun rubbed her head and led her over. The corners of his mouth were smiling.

It seemed that she was more suitable to be his wife than he had imagined.

His girl had really grown up.