The Duo

It was two o'clock in the afternoon on the ninth day of military training.

The students were used to running and standing in the military posture every day.

The more energy they consumed, the more they ate.

Everyone had a big bowl of rice and was eating wholeheartedly in the canteen.

No one knew that at this time, in a residential area just one street away from a university, a sleek, limited-edition sports car drove into the gate with a sharp sound of the wind.

No one knew who was driving the car. The vehicle was completely blood-red with a thick arrogance and nobility. It was hard to describe.

The strangest thing was that the car seemed to disappear and reappear after it was driven by him.

Ordinary people would think that their eyes were playing tricks on them.

If an exorcist came at this time, they would be able to sense that it was the space airflow caused by the soaring demonic qi.
