I Want to Join the Army Too

"We still have 20 minutes to reach our goal." The pilot adjusted the sound waves. "Captain, I can't fly the plane over. I'll be discovered."

Bai Zhun restrained his gentleness. His handsome side profile was flickering under the light. "Let's jump down."

"Okay." The pilot flew to the side.

All the other soldiers carried parachutes and guns. The army green equipment would make it easier for them to hide.

"Are you ready?" Bai Zhun stood at the hatch and looked back. His black hair was messy, and his eyes were deep. His voice was humming in the wind.

"I'm ready!" A very loud reply.

Bai Zhun closed his mask, and his eyes were as cold as a wolf's. "Those who offend us will be in trouble. Even if they are far away, they will be killed!"

The last sentence was said very loudly, and that voice seemed to come from their chests!

It was like the blazing sun in the desert.