The Cooperation Between Tuntian and Ajiu


Ajiu, who was sitting on the tuntian's back, sneezed heavily. As there was too much fog around her, her reaction slowed down as well. She touched her nose and lowered her head to ask, "Where are you taking me?"

The tuntian bobbed its huge head to the east in a mighty manner. Then, it took a step forward, and the entire river trembled along with it.

After the clouds dispersed, Ajiu could clearly see where the sky-devouring tiger had brought her.

It was the entrance to a cave. There were a few people standing at the entrance. Those people were unfamiliar faces and did not belong to China. Moreover, each of them had something drawn on their faces and tattoos on their arms. The most extravagant thing was that each of them had white powder on their hands.

They were a group of drug addicts.

To be more precise, they were a group of drug dealers.

This should be the ultimate goal of their mission.