A Brutal Kiss

Chapter 21

Once the bell had loudly rang all across the academy to signify break time, Kevin immediately got up from his seat and hastily rushed out towards the door, because he was excited to see, meet, and greet his woman, despite only the several hours of parting from his beloved sweetheart.

As a matter of fact, if he were not a student, he would use all of his capabilities to meet her for twenty-four hours in every seven days, meaning literally - everyday.

However, as he took the first step, uneasiness coursed through his whole being.

Kevin did not know why he felt such a strange sentiment in this joyous situation of meeting his beloved sweetheart. However and unfortunately, only his instincts knew why.

Thus, he lightly shook his head sideways and continued onward, immediately forgetting that tiny quaint feeling slowly rushing through his veins.

Once he arrived in his beloved sweetheart's classroom which was directly one floor above from his, Kevin saw that both doors on each side of the classroom were still tightly shut, as if the students inside had not heard the bell at all.

Once he heard the light but stern male voice outside the classroom due to his sharp ears, Kevin knew that his hunch was as precise as always and became slightly proud of himself.

That voice belonged to a teacher, who was none other than sensei Charles, the most despicable, terrifying, and sadistic teacher among all. He had a well-known reputation of failing a lot of students in a year.

But fortunately, he made up for that shortcoming, because he was well-known for producing all of the best students, especially the topnotchers, all over the country, thereby improving the school's reputation by a hundred folds.

Once he had heard that hoarse voice lightly vibrating through the door of the classroom, Kevin immediately stopped from his tracks and softly sighed, "How unfortunate, Li."

Even the most popular and godly being like him could not do anything once it involved that infamous and terrifying teacher, for he was nothing but a student.

Unfortunately in this day and age, these two young lovers had no choice but to reunite during dismissal time.

When Kevin's eyes directly flashed with a look of motivation, he thought as he stood outside the door, "Wait for me, Li. We will see each other soon."

'One day, the world will be ours. And no one, absolutely no one, shall come in between us.' A small but powerful voice hidden deep within his heart sent ripples throughout his whole body, as if he was vowing to himself a promise that wagered on a thousand deaths.

After standing outside the door for five seconds, Kevin immediately walked back all the way to his classroom and no one inside the classroom took notice of his presence, for the students were all bombarded with their grades and stress.

All this while, Kevin had never noticed that presently four chairs were empty, including his beloved sweetheart's own, through the transparent window of the door that he had stood beside on.

"Mmph! Kyle?" Scarlet groaned in pain and confusion.

On the hallway opposite to Kevin's direction, the forceful and harsh grip of Kyle's hand on her own felt like he was crushing her delicate hand into nothing but pieces.

Not only that, the wound on the arm he pulled on was so stretched apart that she felt like the more force he put, the more likely her whole arm would be dislocated from her whole body!

Scarlet absolutely did not know where Kyle was leading her to. Moreover, she did not know why he was in so much rush, rushing like the world was about to end.

As they speedily ran and passed through several turns, corners and stairs, Scarlet became even more confused.

For a student who constantly stayed within the classroom and several times within the clinic, she was absolutely clueless about the new place he was bringing her to.

Once they finally reached their destination, Kyle softly banged the door open, harshly pulled her in, and then shut the door.

At that moment, the light blue sky and white fluffy clouds filled up Scarlet's vision, bringing her into a fantasy-like state.

However, Kyle's next moves went entirely against her expectations.

Kyle hastily and forcefully pulled her bleeding arm with him into the most hidden corner of the rooftop and brutally slammed her whole body to the hard white wall.

"Ah!" Scarlet instinctively moaned from the great pain rushing through her back.

Before Scarlet could even speak or retaliate, Kyle immediately brought one hand to hold the back of her head and brutally slammed his lips down on hers, while grabbing both of her small hands in one of his large ones and harshly shoving them to the wall above her head, making both wounds tear up and blood flow down from her elbows and stain the short sleeves of her white polo shirt.

As he assaulted her lips, Kyle's lips immediately parted and his pearly-white teeth cruelly bit onto her soft and slightly red flesh, like he was the most starving predator eating her up whole.

That cruel force and her great pain immediately made her instinctively gasp for air, thereby giving him the opportunity to plunge his tongue in and explore and taste every part inside her mouth.

Once he had enough of turning and twisting his tongue to explore literally every part in her mouth for some time, Kyle cruelly bit her soft tongue with his strong teeth, making blood fill their kiss in which he swallowed it whole and the remaining flowed down from her lips.

"Hnn! Nnn!" Scarlet moaned from the pain and furrowed her brows upwards while tears began to blurry her eyes.

Scarlet was absolutely not prepared for such a brutal kiss.

She immediately and instinctively closed her eyes, shook her head sideways and used all her strength from her past training's to escape from his cruel hold.

But, he never budged. Not even once.

Instead, Kyle responded by crushing her slim wrists more against the wall and sliding the hand that was trying to rip off her hair down to her slim waists, thereby brutally pressing his whole body onto her own and slamming hers more against the cold and hard wall behind her until not even an inch was left.

Furthermore, he deepened their kiss to the extent that their heads had been molded into one.

As she was entirely trapped into his embrace with absolutely no openings, Scarlet's soft mounds were wholly crushed against his hard chest to the point that her large mounds had entirely merged with his own.

Her womanhood was also harshly pressed upwards by his long thigh in between her legs, making her feel great pleasure with pain and making her feet unable to touch the ground beneath her.

Before she realized it, Scarlet's polo shirt was forcefully pushed upwards by the friction of his hands diving into her soft abdomen and fondling her up wholly until he reached her ribs.

When she felt his large hand slowly but roughly sliding and fondling upwards, Scarlet instinctively opened and widened her eyes, involuntarily shifted and parted her legs more, accidentally swallowed his saliva and her own blood, and subconsciously responded with a moan at the split second he gave her to breathe before resuming his brutal kiss, "Mnn.."

At that moment, Scarlet saw the burning raw passion filling his eyes.

She felt the rampage of his heart drumming against her squashed breasts, the warmth of his body greatly increasing her own, the cold and hard wall pressing against her back as it equally countered his brutality towards her, and most of all, the forgotten long and hard rod that kept trying to force and thrust itself inside her womanhood at the given opportunity when she had parted her legs to the extent that his whole waist was carrying her whole body away from the ground, thereby roughly grazing her back by that rapid upward friction, crushing her more into the hard wall, and widening her legs apart that she could only bend her knees in the air.

While she was being cruelly embraced by him, Scarlet used all her might to not let the tears flow down her eyes or let the pain get the best of her.

For if she were to give in, all of her training would be for naught.

As she was doing her best to endure, she instinctively avoided his intense and passionate gaze that was now closed and looked towards one side, which was the sky.

Amidst her intense pain and his brutal actions gradually filling up her whole body, that blue sky with white fluffy clouds floating above and the gentle breeze comforting her all immediately brought her back to her rational state.

However, when she came back to her senses, instead of being rational, her mind was now muddled with confusion and chaos.

Why did Kyle bring her to the rooftop? What was he doing to her? Was the mouth not used to eat food but people instead? If not, what wrong had she done for him to intentionally hurt her?

Most of all, why was the feeling of Kyle's lips so familiar?

Unfortunately, for the answer to that last question, only her instincts knew.

Meanwhile in the hallway, the vice president of the Kyle x Scarlet fan base, Nene, was frantically running as if a wild boar was chasing behind her.

Nene had successfully escaped from that terrifying teacher's clutches. Whether he had noticed or not, she did not care, because her grades were already low to begin with.

As long as she could pass, she was fine with that.

"Why should I go all out for my grades when I could just make my own business and become successful myself?" was presently her way of thinking.

Nene absolutely did not understand her classmates and their illogical way of thinking of suicide whenever they fail.

Life was way more than mere grades.

Through that way of thinking, Nene was able to live her life fully and enjoy. Moreover, she proudly accepted the fact that she was stupid. Not only that, she proudly accepted the fact that she had never once failed until now, thus not being expelled.

Hence, Nene could also happily conclude that she was not stupid, but average.

Average was totally better than stupid.

Moving on from her logical yet also illogical way of thinking, the loyal fan, Nene, had just lost sight of her two beloved idols! What a failure as the vice president of their operation, she thought.

Regardless of her negative feelings, Nene needed to find them now!

She had missed way too much steps of their development that she could not bring herself to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If she ever missed this fortunate event, would she be worthy to have the position as vice president of their fan base?

"Absolutely not! Fighting!" Nene clenched her fist to the air and loudly exclaimed towards the empty hallway, leveling up her motivation a thousand times.

As she turned to one corner to the right, Nene's frantic running made Jojo, who also turned from the opposite side of the corner, fall down to the floor with her buttocks playing as a shield.


However, even though Jojo fell towards the floor, Nene continued running forward, not caring for her friend at all.

Once Jojo saw Nene running away, Jojo glared and shouted while running after her, "NENE! You caused me so much trouble before and embarrassed me in front of my two gods, but THIS is how you treat me? You im–"

Despite how loud her best friend's voice was, Nene continued ignoring her while running forward, as if her life depended on it.

Once Jojo saw her best friend's serious state that occurred once in a blue moon, Jojo immediately shut her next words and anxiously asked, "Nene, what's wrong? Why are we –"

"Where are they?!" Nene immediately cut off her words and loudly answered back in a question, not caring at all that they were still inside the academy.

"Huh? What –" Jojo replied back, but was immediately cut off again by Nene.

"You're the president! But, out of all the people, YOU don't know?! OUR IDOLS RAN OFF!!" Nene glared at her, while pausing in her tracks and looking in every direction of the school, as if she was a policewoman running after the culprit.

At that exact moment, Jojo was immediately stunned speechless.