The Trio's Wrath

Chapter 28

As the bell finally rang to signify dismissal time, the morality of Kyle was now fully diminished, so he continued to partake of the delicious meal within his possession.

He remained oblivious towards the sky darkening, the thunder rumbling and the bell ringing, because he was too lost in his own world.

Just as he feverishly kissed her, groped her large bosom and buttocks, and was about to fully violate her womanhood, someone banged the door open.

However, despite how loud it was, Kyle still never bothered with the noise and continued on devouring his first love.

Seeing that his brother was on the verge of raping his beloved sweetheart before he even had the chance to possess her, the deadly high killing intent that he had hidden a while ago was now fully unleashed.

Kevin immediately ran towards Kyle, grabbed his collar, slammed his brother's whole body to the wall, and viscously punched the h*ll out of him!


The thunder deafeningly grumbled at a frighteningly accurate time when Kevin had punched Kyle.

Finally coming back to his senses, Kyle's bloody forehead rushed the adrenaline in him.

When he raised his gaze to the hindrance in front of him, Kyle saw the beastly and dark glare of his brother, who was forcefully choking him to death by tightly clutching on to his collar.

In that split second, Kyle remembered how his brother had molested his first love while she was crying in his arms.

At that exact moment, blood lust immediately filled up Kyle's vision as he fully retaliated by backing away from the hard wall and using that reaction to viscously punch the h*ll out of his brother!

Right when they forcefully backed away from the other due to the Kyle countering Kevin's punch with as much power, the darkened clouds filled the city with tears, the winds howled, and more thunders echoed and grumbled, fulfilling the promise of a storm coming on its way.

Even if they could evade the other's punches due to their skills being on par with the other, the twins had fully accepted the punch and had taken the blow.

Why? Because matters like these must never be left unfinished.

The matter between men.

In fact, this would be the twin's first fight ever since they had been born!

As their entire bodies were drenched with rain while they viscously glared at one another, the baby cupid zoomed past the opened door and immediately used his sharp eyes to scan his surroundings.

Right then, Alfred brightened up once he had finally found his assignment.

Indeed, those muddled heads reasoning and suspicion were correct! His assignment was actually on the rooftop!

However, once he had realized that his assignment was lying on the cold and hard floor, was entirely drenched by the rain and was injured on most parts of her body, Alfred's mood had once again turned for the worse.

Not only that, what added on to the burning fury that he could barely hold inside him was his assignment almost being stripped naked!

In his perspective, his assignment had a fully unbuttoned polo shirt revealing her entire breasts and stomach, while her legs were wide open with the mini-skirt revealing the pinkish crack of her buttocks while barely hiding her womanhood.

Right then and there, the baby cupid, who was once known for his cuteness and innocence, became a vicious and murderous little monster on the verge of a rampage!

With his hair flying upwards while going against the law of gravity, his knuckles tightly clenched until the color of his bones could be seen, and his blue eyes bulging and becoming extremely red like blood, Alfred slowly turned from the pitiful sight of his assignment towards the two main culprits.

Once he saw the two culprits in their own little world, there was instantly a mad downpour and thousands of thunder raging through the skies, fulfilling a promise that a big typhoon, not a storm, was coming on its way!

This time, the excellent and diligent cupid was long gone. No, the past him was dead.

Alfred did not care whether he broke a rule that could cost him his life, because those who dared touch his assignment deserve no other pain than the pain of death!

Once the students inside saw the atmosphere instantly becoming more savage as every second passed by, the entire academy was on a rampage!

All of the teachers' meetings scheduled after classes were immediately postponed because of the crisis at hand.

Teachers were running here and there while trying to calm the frightened students down.

As per the teachers' instructions, all the students had a head count and had hidden below their desks or lay on the floor, saving themselves from accidentally hitting any flying objects while hoping that the bad weather would go away soon.

After the students had a head count, the teachers immediately noticed that two people were missing. Wait, no. It was three people!

That sign was absolutely not good! However, even if they tried to find them now, they would only increase the number of victims! Hence, they could only call the professionals in such a crisis.

Unfortunately for the whole academy, the signals were now lost!

Not only the academy, but the entire city was now in chaos!

The electricity of some houses and buildings were cut off, not one light to be seen through their windows.

The winds howling were too strong that several trees, poles, people, and cars were being carried away in circles.

Near the typhoon's perimeter, those inside the vehicle abandoned their cars, because their lives was much more important!

Passersby and onlookers were frantically running for their lives towards the nearest building or away from the typhoon!

At the end of the city, the cars amidst the traffic jam were now beeping and bumping against each other because of the need to get home or get out of this place sooner!

Those who were fortunately inside their homes the whole time thought to themselves while trembling and hugging one another.

This was exactly not on the weather forecast! They only determined a huge downpour, not a typhoon! How was such a bad weather like this even possible to come out of the blue?!

While the entire city was on a rampage, the heavens were also on a rampage.

However, it was not because of the big typhoon or the population in the city slowly decreasing. Instead, it was because of the occurrence of a great disruption against the balanced state of the world!

The higher-ups watching the entire event immediately stopped laughing at the baby cupid's misfortune and forgot their grudges against him.

Instead of laughing at the cupid, they were now agonizing over their own misfortune!

How in the world did they forget that Alfred was one of the most powerful beings of heaven?! His toddler appearance was way too deceiving! Moreover, that powerful being was currently very attached to his assignment.

In fact, too attached that he would even disregard his most valuable possession – his life!

Just for her.

If that frightening being had found his assignment in such a state, they should have expected that something like this would happen sooner! They should have just listened to the curses of that arrogant cupid, instead of ignoring or going against it!

Because of their own idiocy, they had to suffer the consequences now!

When they realized all these, all the higher-up angels could do were to wait, hope, and pray that the baby cupid would forgive their ignorance and would come back to his senses, so that the disruption causing the balanced state of the world to break would stop.

Right then, these angels really did look like angels for the first time in a millennium.

Just as the baby cupid was about to commit murder towards the two twins and unknowingly towards the whole city, something caught Alfred's attention, which made him immediately turn around and become dumbfounded yet again.